Particles and fragments of light slip by in a stream of time and space to portray the compelling experience of driving. »Porsche BlackBox« reimagines this connection by visualizing racing data as ephemeral imagery and generative animation in real-time.
The generated imagery and animation for »Porsche BlackBox« becomes a method of measuring and re-experiencing the GTS moments of a particular track. As sections of the road become more energetic for the driver, the outline of the car appears clearer through the lines and particles. Time slows down at peaks defined by the recordings, to stretch out and re-live the most intense encounters, as a 360 degree view of the Porsche 911 becomes visible. Supported by an adaptive soundscape, tones fluctuate to reflect the varying energy and emotions of the trip. The participation in and documentation of travel allows for users to draw out their collective experiences.

Client: Porsche
Commissioned by: Passion Communications
Creative Direction: Cedric Kiefer
Design: Mick van Olst
Code & Development: Henryk Wollik
Sound Design: Audionerve
Cutting Edge Project of the Week 2016
FWA Site of the day, Adobe Cutting Edge Award 2016